Land Governance

Putting You Back In Control of Land Ownership

In an increasingly urbanized world where economic expansion and unbridled population density impact the quality of life, sound land governance is the key toward the achievement of sustainable development and quality of life.


Land governance involves institutions which govern the policies, processes procedures by which land, property and other natural resources are managed. This includes resolutions on four key fundamentals of sustainable development:


Land Tenure

The legal system governing access and ownership.


Land Value

The methodology for assessing the relative value of land.


Land Rights

The rights, privileges and obligations of landowners.


Land Use

The designation as residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural. This includes the land development purpose and the attendant environmental impact affecting urban planning.

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Land Governance Practice

Descartes OCR, Global EASE’s technical abilities as a leading compliance software developer combined with access to project funding has successfully ventured in land governance applications. Our goal is to play a vital role in transformational change to spur economic development and improve the quality of life with significant social impact investment.


Descartes OCR, Global EASE, through WCT, its UAE-based subsidiary, invested in the deployment of:

    • A cloud-based Digital Land Management System for Ugandan land registration.
    • With owner biometric ID vetting and credentialing.
    • Real estate transaction management.
    • Individual account payment enablement using a mobile app.

Our multi-year Public-Private Partnership with the Buganda Land Board of the Kingdom of Buganda provides a unique blend of the public sector interest with the private sector goals. Our technology-based approach to linking land ownership and land registration provides a binding alignment between the various stakeholders:


Land Tenure

The system provides a comprehensive ‘security’ solution:

    • Reduction of land disputes
    • Development incentive
    • Simplified conveyance
    • Purchaser assurance
    • Land capitalization
    • Security of tenure
    • Asset recognition
    • Certainty of title
    • Registered title
    • Smart card ID



Land Governance
Land Governance


Buganda Land Board

The PPP arrangement offers significant institutional advantages:

    • Technical assistance and train-the-trainer program
    • Biometric identification of landowners
    • Profit sharing and budget relief
    • Fair property tax assessment
    • Redevelopment economics
    • Easy registration process
    • Privately funded system
    • Ease of doing business
    • Legal evidence of title
    • Elevated legitimacy
    • Automated process
    • Greater efficiency