Automate Trade Compliance With Global EASE

Elevate each aspect of your trade compliance program to the next level using Global EASE.

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with a Compliance Expert

Global EASE is Your One-Stop-Shop to Enhance any Trade Compliance Program

Descartes OCR, Global EASE’s global trade management solution is a centralized platform that effectively manages end-to-end trade compliance while providing the necessary visibility and governance to propel your program forward. This robust solution provides the strength of trade compliance automation within your global enterprise through a variety of interconnected modules to address your organization’s needs.

Powered by Latest Global Regulatory Data

Auditing, Reporting and Analytics, Recordkeeping as the Backbone of Your Global Trade Compliance Process.

Maximize Compliance with Best-in-Class Screening Solutions

Ensure global sanctions adherence

Optimize on-site security compliance

Navigate Complex Regulations with Tailored Licensing Solutions

Quickly identify necessary licensing requirements

Simplify acquiring trade permits and licenses

Effectively handle trade compliance incidents

Effortlessly manage compliance inquiries

Streamline your license tracking process

Optimize Trade By Complying with Global Export Control Regulations with OCR’s Strategic Export Solutions

Navigate complex export control regulations

Accurate, efficient classification

Streamline your classification process

Securely manage intangible exports

Enhance Operations with Advanced
Import Tools

Streamline import procedures

Maximize your returns - minus the hassles

Reduce duty and overhead costs

Navigate FTA's with EASE

Sanctions & Risk Screening

Maximize Compliance with Best-in-Class Screening Solutions

Ensure global sanctions adherence

Optimize on-site security compliance

Export Licensing & Permits

Navigate Complex Regulations with Tailored Licensing Solutions

Quickly identify necessary licensing requirements

Effortlessly manage compliance inquiries

Simplify acquiring trade permits and licenses

Streamline your license tracking process

Effectively handle trade compliance incidents

Exports Management

Optimize Trade By Complying with Global Export Control Regulations with Descartes OCR, Global EASE’s Strategic Export Solutions

Navigate complex export control regulations

Streamline your classification process

Simplify export documentation

Securely manage intangible exports

Imports Management

Enhance Operations with Advanced Import Tools

Streamline import procedures

Maximize your returns - minus the hassles

Reduce duty and overhead costs

Navigate FTA's with EASE

Book Your Consultation with a Compliance Expert

Speak with us one-on-one and learn how we can help you customize a solution that works best for your company