Blog: Mr. Rudolf Cheung Pleads Guilty

Blog: Mr. Rudolf Cheung Pleads Guilty

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Serving as the head of the R&D at a private antennae manufacturing firm for over 17 years, Cheung has planned and overseen the advancement of antennae made by the firm. The firm manufactures multiple antennae for military use, subject to DOS regulations. Allegedly in June of 2006, a company located in Singapore asked for a quotation for 2 types of antennae from the firm. Both antennas fall under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of State and may not be exported without authorization. The firm flagged the order as needing a license and was immediately stopped. Upon learning that the antennae export was halted, Mr. Cheung admittedly discussed with a co-conspirator a method to export the devices without proper authorization to Singapore.


The co-conspirator, who operates in the United States, purchased the antennas from Cheung’s firm. The goods were then later exported illegally to a firm, Corezing in Singapore with Cheung’s knowledge. From July 2006 to September 2007, the conspirator purchased a total of 55 military antennae which were then exported to Corezing in Singapore and Hong Kong. Mr. Rudolf Cheung faces a max sentence of 5 years in prison as well as a fine of $250,000 USD with a conditional 3 years supervised release. Both parties will be added to the U.S. Denied Party List and Debarred Party List. Until rescinded from the watch list, the denied and debarred parties are prohibited from receiving any EAR controlled goods.

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